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Bombay Karachi Halwa


  • 10 Cashew halves
  • 1 tbsp broken Cashews
  • 1 tbsp Charmagaaz or Melon seeds
  • 1 tbsp Pumpkin seed
  • 1 tbsp sliced Almonds
  • Pinch of Saffron
  • 4 tbsps Ghee
  • Pinch of Food colouring of your choice

Sugar syrup

  • 2 cups Sugar
  • 2 cups Water
  • Juice of 1/2 Lime

Cornstarch slurry

  • 1 cup of Corn starch
  • 3 cups of water


  • Reserve the cashew halves for later and mix together the rest of the nuts and seeds
  • Prepare the cornstarch slurry by just mixing the cornstarch with water
  • Heat the sugar with the water to make a syrup
  • Add the lime juice to prevent sugar crystals from forming later
  • Stir the cornstarch slurry again and add it to the sugar syrup
  • Drop the heat and add a pinch of saffron
  • Keep stirring constantly for 45 - 60 mins
  • Once the mixture starts to get translucent, add the ghee one tablespoon at a time, allowing it to get fully absorbed
  • At about the halfway mark, add the food colouring and mix it well
  • Add half of the nuts and seeds, reserving the rest to decorate the top of the Halwa with the cashew halves
  • When sticky and ready pour into a greased cake pan or mold and quickly top with the rest of the nuts ad seeds and press in the cashew halves
  • Allow this to cool and when warm, run a knife on all four edges and flip over to release
  • Cut into desired pieces and serve or leave to air dry for a few days to get more rubbery