Mix the Chicken with all the other ingredients
Transfer this to a greased sheet or cookie pan
Place it in the centre and flatten moving outwards
Make sure you have a few inches on either side
Using a flat tool like a bench scraper, just tidy up the sides so you have straight lines
Use a ruler to mark the kebabs so they are even or eyeball it
After you have marked everything vertically … just lightly score them horizontally, this mimics the grill marks, but it will also help cool the kebabs
Now work on the horizontal lines and push them out so there is space between all the kebabs so they get some nice browning on all sides
Once ready, transfer to a preheated oven at 350 degrees for 30 - 45 mins
I like to finish off a little with a few minutes in the broiler
Flip over the kebabs if you like, but be very careful
This is great in a lettuce wrap or some Arabic pita bread