My jam making history is an old one! In 2011 I appeared on the show Come Dine With Me Canada that actually taped in 2010 – my new friend Graham gave us each a jar of Blackcurrant jam to take home. I couldn’t help but notice that I had the same berry bush that he had. A year or so I saw the fruit but had no idea that they were blackcurrants! That year, I rallied the troupes aka my Mom and make jam for the first time.

It was such a hit that I had to rally more help over the years! This year, I decided to make a video and document the process for you all to enjoy!

Blackcurrant Jam

3.04 from 64 votes


  • 5 cups Blackcurrants
  • 4 cups Sugar
  • 57 gms Pectin


  • Wash and clean the blackcurrants
  • Add this to a pot with the sugar and allow the sugar to melt
  • Stir at intervals for about 15 mins
  • Switch off the heat and allow the mixture to cool
  • Process the cooled mixture and ass back into the pot
  • Add the pectin and mix and bring to a rolling boil for one minute
  • Pour into sterilized jars and cool