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Cauliflower in all it’s incarnations are all the rage now and I’m excited to share this recipe with you for Sriracha Cauliflower fritters. It all started with a lunch date with my BFF Mona, when she insisted on having Fried Korean Cauliflower. Not being a huge veggie fan myself(I would have preferred wings), I reluctantly agreed and was pleasantly surprised with it’s stellar taste and crunch.

Fast forward to the period of Lent where I decided to give up meat for 40 days(46 including Sundays ) and always looking for interesting ways to eat vegetables. I remembered this tasty snack and knew I could put my fave Sriracha to the test. It didn’t disappoint.

This is a crunchy cauliflower fritter that is spiced up with Sriracha sauce. The smaller your Cauliflower florets are the crunchier they get. A simple batter of cornstarch and Sriracha helps the florets crisp up, but also hold on to the extra Sriracha sauce that’s poured over later.


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Sriracha Cauliflower


  • 3 cups Cauliflower
  • 2 tbsps Cornstarch
  • Salt
  • 1 tsp Sriracha
  • 3 tbsps Sriracha
  • Oil for frying


  1. Make a batter with cornstarch, water, salt and the sauce
  2. Add the florets, deep fry and drain on a kitchen towel
  3. Add the Cauliflower to a clean wok an douse it in Sriracha sauce
  4. Mix well
  5. Leave to caramelize a little bit