Watch to view step-by-step instructions
Thai food is one of my FAVORITE things to make. Earlier this year I started making a red curry and my obsession with Thai food was well on it’s way.
There’s something intriguing about chicken mixed with chilli and garlic and delicately flavored with the liquorice flavor of Thai basil.
This recipe is super super easy to make, grab your ingredients and let’s get started!
[youtube-subscriber channelname=kravingsblog]
Thai Basil Chicken
- 7-8 small red fresh Thai red chillies
- 7-8 cloves of fresh garlic
- 3 sliced shallots
- 1 lb boneless chicken thigh meat cut in small pieces
- 3 tbsps hoisin sauce
- 3 tbsps light soya sauce
- 3 tbsps dark soya sauce
- 1 cup Thai basil or Holy basil leaves
- Coarsely slice the garlic and chillies and pound together in a mortar and pestle
- Heat some oil in a wok and sauté the chilli garlic mixture
- Add the shallots and sauté
- Add the chicken and cook till done
- Add the sauces and stir well
- Finally add the basil and serve

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