Cubes of Steak are seared in a hot skillet, and then returned to the pan with garlic & butter together with some cubes of cooked potatoes. Parsley is added to make this simple and delicious dish.

This recipe for Butter & Garlic Steak bites is so simple that I like to make it when I’m tied for time. The addition of Butter & Garlic gives everything a great flavor.

Butter & Garlic Steak Bites

3.56 from 18 votes


  • 1 cup cubed Potatoes
  • 1 lb approx 454 oz of Sirloin steak cubes
  • 5 cloves roasted Garlic
  • 4 tbsps Butter
  • Salt & Pepper to taste
  • 1/4 cup fresh chopped Parsley
  • Olive Oil


  • Add some olive oil to a heavy or cast iron pan and cook the potatoes on all side and remove
  • Add the steak in batches and sear on all sides and cook for no more than 2 – 3 minutes and remove
  • In the same pan, add the roasted garlic and squish down, add the butter, followed by the steak and potatoes
  • Add salt and pepper to taste
  • Finish off with chopped parsley