It’s summer and the stores are bursting with fresh Cherries and Berries and who want’s to turn that oven on anyway? This is the best season for a refreshing no bake cheesecake. No fuss and full on flavor.

I’ve made many a cheesecake in my day, I’ve set them in Cheesecake pans, mini tins and molds and they always turn out amazing. I’ve made Cheesecake with a lime jello top layer but this time, I added some Jello right into the cheesecake batter. The results are delicious!

Chocolate Cherry Berry Cheesecake

2.98 from 75 votes


  • 2 cups Oreo cookie crumbs
  • 1/4 – 1/2 cup melted Butter
  • 500 gms of cream Cheese
  • Juice of 1/2 Lemon
  • 300 ml sweetened condensed Milk
  • 2 tbsps of Cocoa powder
  • 1 pkg Gelatine 1 tbsp – 15 ml
  • 30 gms Cherry Jello
  • 1/4 each Cherries & Berries
  • 1 cup Chocolate curls
  • More Cherries and Berries for garnishing


  • Add melted butter to the cookie crumbs so it’s just moist and pack it down tightly in a cake pan
  • I’ve used an 18 x 18 cm pan but you can use a similar size springform pan as well
  • Chill the Oreo base for at least 20 – 30 mins
  • Warm up the Cheese in the microwave and beat
  • Add the Lemon juice and the condensed Milk
  • Dissolve the cocoa in a little water and add half and beat well to incorporate
  • Dissolve both the gelatine and jello in some hot water, mix and allow to cool before adding to the mixture
  • Pour over the set Oreo base on top of the berries
  • Add more berries as required
  • Set in the fridge for at least 8 hours
  • At the 1-2 hr mark, remove and add the Chocolate curls before returning to the fridge