Many many years ago, a coworker and a close friend Laurel McGregor, bought me a Donna Hay magazine. At that time, I didn’t even know who she was but was fascinated by the magazine and the recipes in it. I decided to try my hand at Blueberry pancakes that promised to be light and fluffy.
Donna Hay, does not lie, these pancakes are amazing. Over the years, I’ve made this many many times – blueberry, chocolate, regular and they are greeted with delight every single time. The strangest place I made these pancakes were at a campsite with minimum facilities and cooked these for a large crowd on a camp stove with two tiny pans. The best part of these pancakes are that they use egg whites only. Many of my subscribers have asked if they can substitute whole eggs, the answer is NO! The whisked egg whites are what gives these pancakes their light and fluffy texture. Besides, egg whites are healthier for you 🙂 Try this and I promise you won’t be making box mix pancakes again!
[youtube-subscriber channelname=kravingsblog]
- 3 egg whites
- 2.5 cups sifted flour
- 3 cups butter milk
- 3 tsps sugar
- 3 tsps baking powder
- Splash of vanilla essence
- Beat the eggs still stiff and keep aside
- In the stand mixer, alternate between the flour and buttermilk and keep scraping the bowl
- Add the sugar and the baking powder
- Add the vanilla essence
- Fold the egg mixture into the batter
- Drop into a hot pan with oil, cook for a few minutes and flip
- To make chocolate pancakes, simply add chocolate chips

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If you’re facing a drug test at short notice then you could be in real trouble. Thankfully though, there are some strategies you can use to pass a urine test or a mouth swab drug test in that short space of time.
But can you genuinely learn how to pass a drug test in just 24 hours? Is it even possible, and if it is, how risky is it?
In this complete guide, you’re going to learn everything about the best ways to pass a drug test with very little notice. We will cover the strategies for passing a urine drug test, an oral drug test, and a hair drug test.
By the end of this guide, you will know exactly how drug metabolites work, what the strategies are, which products to use to pass a drug test and how to use them.
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What Defines “Short Notice” For Drug Test?
If you’re here because you’re facing a drug test tomorrow, literally within the next 24 hours, then the bad news is that you are really going to struggle. You’ll need to grab something locally and there’s not going to be a lot available, even if you live in a big city.
In this guide I will cover a couple of the best emergency strategies for you though, just in case, you can get access to specialist products right now. But if you think you could face a drug test with just 24 hours' notice, and you have even three or four days before you think that could happen, then there’s plenty you can do.
How Long Do Drug Metabolites Stay In Your Body?
Unfortunately, how long drug metabolites stay in the body is an open-ended question. There’s no real proper answer.
You can search online and you’ll see some ideal maximum times. Things like this for urine drug testing:
Weed stay in your urine for up to 72 hours
Cocaine up to 72 hours
Amphetamines up to 48 hours
Benzodiazepines up to 96 hours
Methadone up to 5 days
The problem with all of those is they are averages. They are also averages for light users.
All of these factors will increase the time dramatically:
Taking high doses taking more regular doses (than a couple of times per week)
Your metabolism
Age and fitness
Diet and exercise
On top of that, some drugs stay in the body much longer. Cannabis and benzodiazepines are classic examples of this:
Slow-release benzos, especially if you are taking in every day, can be found in the body for up to 6 weeks.
Weed metabolites can cling to fat cells in the body and have been found to still be in the body up to 12 weeks after the last joint.
If it’s been less than a week since you last took drugs, and you’re taking them more than once per week in the weeks leading up to that, then if you face a drug test at short notice, especially 24 hours' notice, then you will almost certainly test positive.
Strategy #1 Fake Urine: Easiest Way To Pass A Urine Drug Test
The absolute best way to pass a drug test in 24 hours is synthetic urine. It can be prepared in a short space of time, so you can submit your sample with virtually no notice at all. However, this only works if it’s an unsupervised drug test. That’s where you are allowed to go behind a screen, or even into a different room in order to submit your sample.
If it’s a supervised/observed drug test then you cannot use fake urine. Don’t try and use one of those stupid fake penis devices, they won’t fool anyone if they are standing there looking at you, even indirectly.
However, if it’s unsupervised, then the best fake urine will pass almost any level of scrutiny.
Some people think that every urine sample undergoes some massive digital analysis. That’s not actually the case. This is what happens:
First, the temperature is tested within two minutes of the sample is done. It has to be between 90В°F and 100В°F to be legal.
Shortly after, validity checks will be done. This is a dipstick test usually. It’s then tested against panels that react to different things. It will look for adulteration, the presence of nitrates, and the presence of other things which are common for adulterated samples.
If it passes the validity checks then it is simply tested against a drug panel kit. Not a digital analysis, just a standard panel kit like you can buy from a shop (although it’s more high-quality).
So note here that only if they have huge suspicion about your sample would they send it off for an expensive gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis.  That’s when all fake urine will fall down because it does a full analysis of the composition of the urine, and it will spot that some things which should be in urine aren’t there.
But generally, for low-level drug testing, good quality fake urine is going to pass 99% of the time. Studies analyzing historically submitted samples have shown that this is the case.
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1. Don’t Buy These Fake Urine Products
There are a lot of fake urine products out there to choose from. However, a lot of them are awful.
The reason is that fake urine has to have the following construction as a minimum:
Uric acid
Balanced for ph
Balanced for specific gravity
Contains other common chemicals
Looks and froths like urine
The problem is that most fake urine out there doesn’t even tick those basic boxes. Some of it is just fetish urine, some of it is poor quality, and some of it contains detectable elements.
The detectable element, the common footprint, that many drug testing labs look for now is biocide-based preservatives. Simply by looking for those they can rule out many fake samples. This was established about four years ago when a lot of brands started failing.
These are the fake urine brands I would recommend you stay away from because of everything I’ve just talked about:
Urine Luck
U Pass
Ultra Klean
2. The Top Three Synthetic Urine Brands
Let’s now talk about the top three urine products that will pass scrutiny. These are genuinely complex and high-quality. They have long track records of passing drug tests.
Sub Solution Powdered Urine Kit
The best synthetic urine kit is Sub Solution. It’s the best combination of price, complexity, and control. It costs $85. Sub Solution is a powder that you mix up with filtered water. This adds an extra step, but it’s only a small one.
There’s no other preparation with Sub Solution because it uses heat activator powder, meaning no heatpad to deal with.
All you have to do is tap in about one-third of the heat activator powder into the sample just before you go to submit it, shake it gently until it dissolves, and the temperature will rise. Keep adding powder until it gets within the correct temperature range.
That’s it with Sub Solution. It’s beautifully complex, containing 14 things found in urine, it’s perfectly balanced, and it looks and froths like urine. Click Here to buy Sub Solution from the manufacturer.
Quick Luck Premixed Synthetic Urine
This is the most expensive fake urine on the market. It’s actually the big brother of Sub Solution. It costs $100 and is made by the same company, Clear Choice.
The only real difference is that it contains a heatpad in the kit, and it’s premixed. So it gives you an extra heating control mechanism, and you don’t need to mix it with filtered water.
So, Quick Luck is better for on-the-job drug testing. If you got a drug test at really short notice, it’s perfect because using the heat activator powder, in less than two minutes, you can have a viable sample.
Again, it’s beautifully balanced, looks and froths like urine, and the heat activator powder is the game changer that gives you complete control over the temperature sample.
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Quick Fix 6.3 Synthetic Urine
The third fake urine brand of choice is Quick Fix. It’s the budget option, but still decent. The small size costs just $30 and Quick Fix “plus” costs just $10 more. Don’t be fooled by the plus bit, it’s exactly the same fake urine, you just get more of it.
Quick Fix is premixed. It’s also good enough to contain the basics of urea, uric acid, and creatinine. It’s balanced, and it sort of looks like urine. For the price, it’s good.
The downside is it uses heatpad. It’s a good one, but it does mean that the temperature it’s kicking out is going to be slightly variable. It’s essential that you check the temperature just before you go to submit your sample and alter it if necessary (hot water in a flask is ideal for this).
But, if you don’t care that much about the drug test, or there’s nothing else available, then Quick Fix is the best budget fake urine brand out there and it definitely does not contain biocide preservatives.
3. How To Prepare For A Drug Test
 If you’re in real trouble and facing a drug test in 24 hours, say tomorrow, and you live in a big city, then you could grab some Quick Fix.
Quick Fix is available in quite a few smoke shops and alternative shops in cities in America. Just check it’s fresh stock because they don’t sell very many and it can go out of date and go off.
My advice though is to invest in a box of Sub Solution or Quick Luck right now. Get them in stock and then you will never have to worry. The same applies to all detox products, passing a drug test in 24 hours is not that difficult, but you need to be prepared.
4. Instructions For Passing A Test Using Fake Urine
If you are facing a urine drug test and you need to submit a fake sample, it’s pretty easy to do. Just don’t panic, and make sure you’re prepared.
If you need to use a heatpad, heat your sample in the microwave to give it a head start. Strap the heatpad to it, and then tuck the sample in your crotch under your underwear. That keeps it snug and it keeps it closer to body temperature.
Also, you can’t be intimately searched. So putting the sample there and wearing baggy jogging bottoms means less chance of detection.
If you’re using Quick Fix then you’ll have to check the temperature before you enter the building. If it has cooled then use hot water from a flask to lift the temperature sample.
If you’re using Sub Solution or Quick Luck, it’s simply a case of tapping in enough heat activator powder to get the sample as close to 100°F as possible without going over.
Strategy #2 Drug Detox Drinks: Best Way To Clean Out Your System Temporary
If you’re facing a supervised drug test, where somebody will be observing you, or you just don’t have the guts to smuggle a sample in, then drug detox drinks are the only real alternative for a urine drug test.
A detox drink does the following when you drink it (as long as it’s good quality):
Flushes out the toxins in your body
Accelerates and removes more toxins than water alone
Floods the body with things found in urine so they appear in it
Floods the body with things that can color your urine more naturally
A detox drink is merely a masking agent. In working, it creates a gap in the toxin flows into the bladder. It pushes them out at an accelerated rate, creating a gap of a few hours during which you can submit a clean sample. So don’t think that it’s the best detox for a drug test it’s just a temporary solution. The fastest way to clean your system is doing natural detox combined with detox pills, but since it’s not possible in 24 hours, we didn’t mention it in the article.
1. Instructions For Using A Detox Drink
These are the instructions you need to follow for using a cleansing drink:
You’ll need to try and do a 24-hour drug detox before the day of your test if possible, preferably longer. If it’s really short notice though, you’ll have to just hope the detox drink has the potency to create a gap in your toxin flow and keep your urine natural.
Drink the contents of the bottle for about 10 minutes. Refill it with water and drink that if instructed to.
Over the next hour urinate at least three times, preferably more. This will ensure the bladder is empty and toxins are all removed.
Detox drink makers claim will have up to 5 hours clean, but if you are someone who is regularly taking drugs and you could have a high level of toxins in your body, say you are taking methamphetamine frequently, then it could be two or three hours.
2. These Are The Top Two Best Detox Drinks To Use
Mega Clean is one of the best detox drinks out there. On its own though, it’s not the most potent. As a plan B, you can grab it from somewhere like Walmart or Walgreens for a short-notice drug test. It could work.
But it’s best bought from Test Clear. You’ll get six pre-rid pills bundled in, which is enough for a 24-hour potent detox. Obviously, you’ll need those 24 hours before the day of your test though.
The best detox drink on its own is Rescue Cleanse. You don’t need to drink additional water, and it’s definitely got the best formula. I passed a drug test using this. You should still do the 24-hour detox if possible though, especially if you’ve got high levels of toxins in your body. It’s not available in smoke shops, click here to buy it online.
Strategy #3: Passing A Saliva Drug Test
Mouth swab drug testing is becoming more common. It’s cheap and anyone can administer it. Even police on the roadside, on the spot at work, so it is insidious and dangerous. But thankfully, it’s quite easy to pass a saliva drug test if you know how and you have the tools in stock.
1. Passing An Oral Drug Test Naturally
If you’ve got low levels of toxins in your body, say you smoke a couple of joints at the start of the week and you only do that infrequently, then it could be enough to just brush your teeth several times, use plenty of mouthwash, and chew gum.
That, drinking plenty of water, urinating, exercising, and generally churning the saliva through your mouth and out of your body, will mean that you test negative more quickly.
2. Use Toxin Flushing Mouthwash
If you got high levels of toxins in your body, then a toxin-neutralizing mouthwash could be the way forward for you. They only cost about $30. Ultra Klean and Toxin Wash are two of the best brands.
Wash out your mouth with half the liquid, spit it out, and then repeat the process with the other. You’ll be clean in about 60 seconds. The effects will last for 15 minutes. On the downside though, you can’t really swallow that much liquid, and you’ll have a bottle to dispose of. So not ideal for on-the-side-of-the-road drug testing, or on-the-spot at work testing.
3. Best Strategy: Oral Clear Gum
The best strategy for passing an oral drug test at short notice is definitely to use Oral Clear gum. It’s not actually gummed at all. It’s a capsule of very concentrated mouthwash. It’s incredibly discreet because of this.
You can even use it with someone in front of you. Cup the capsule in the palm of your hand and cough. Place your hand over your mouth, and push it in. Then, while pretending to still cough a bit, pop the capsule and move the liquid around in your mouth for about 30 seconds.
If they ask you what you are doing, you can say were choking on a piece of gum. Then swallow, and there’s no evidence you have used it.
Oral Clear isn’t cheap. It costs $90 for a single capsule. But it’s incredibly potent, discreet, and the absolute best way to pass.
Strategy #4 Passing A Hair Follicle Drug Test
The bad news is that if you are facing a hair drug test at short notice then there is no way out of it. You simply cannot pass a hair drug test in 24 hours. However, with a few days notice it is possible to flush out the toxins in your hair.
Why The Hair Follicle Drug Test Is So Dangerous
Hair drug testing is very dangerous because drug toxins get trapped inside the hair shaft. When you take drugs, they move around your bloodstream and get stuck in the hair follicle. When it grows, they get trapped in the hair shaft and form an indelible record of your drug use.
The sample they take is from the scalp at the follicle and then cut so that it represents 90 days of growth. Legally, they can only test your previous 90 days' hair growth. So if you haven’t taken anything in the past 90 days, then you should be okay.
The problem is that to get rid of the drug metabolites in your hair, you have to somehow open up the hard cuticle layer (microscopic scales that overlap to protect the inner hair shaft) and flush out the toxins without destroying the hair.
This Is The Only Method That Will Pass A Hair Drug Test
The only method that will pass a hair drug test is called the Macujo method.
It uses Aloe toxin rid shampoo alongside household ingredients to chemically work together to open up the cuticle layer and flush out the toxins. It then conditions the hair and ensures it isn’t damaged.
The problem is it takes several runs through this method to get rid of all the toxins. Once per day for seven days is ideal. If you’ve got three days, then twice per day will still give you six times and a great chance of passing.
With light levels of toxin exposure, even twice per day for two days leading up to a test could be enough. But it gets progressively more of a gamble.
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