View my step-by-step video

I love stuffing or topping Cucumbers with goodies to serve as an appetizer. My Shrimp with Crab is a huge hit at parties and recently for Christmas, I made Cucumber cups and stuffed them with Chicken 65. I have to credit this idea to my coworker Andrea ā€“ she watched my Chicken 65 stuffed Cucumber cups video and told me she did something similar with Greek salad. I thought that was a great and healthy idea and decided to top it off with some Shrimp to satisfy my resident carnivores. This is a great app to serve guests and you can just leave the Shrimp off for the Vegetarians.

Cucumber cups are super easy to make just slice them about 2 cms and then using a small ice cream scoop, remove a chunk out of the middle. If making these ahead, store these upside down on some kitchen towel to allow the water to drain as Cucumber does contain a lot of water.

Prep ingredients like Shallots, Greek Olives, Cherry Tomatoes and cube some feta cheese. Remember that these need to fit in a tiny cup so cut them small. Presoaking the shallots in some water is a really good idea as they remove the strong onion flavor. Drain them before use. Instead of mixing all the salad ingredients together, Iā€™m going to add one of each to each cup. This is the only way to guarantee that the ingredients are equally distributed. Marinated Shrimp is cooked and adorn the top of this scrumptious appetizer.

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  • Makes 8
  • 8 Cucumber slices with the centers scooped out
  • 8 Shrimp
  • Greek dressing
  • Fresh Oregano
  • Fresh Thyme
  • Salt
  • Greek Olives sliced
  • 1 small Shallot
  • Cherry Tomatoes sliced
  • Feta Cheese, crumbled


  1. Marinate the Shrimp with some salt, dressing and fresh Oregano and cook on a grill
  2. Load the shallots, tomatoes, olives and feta into the cups, add a bit of dressing and finish with thyme leaves
  3. Top with the cooked Shrimp and enjoy!